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Our firm was founded with an objective to contribute to the design sector and better homes, professional spaces, communities and cities in adapting to the changing way that people want to work, live and play. Our work is not restricted to new buildings, we refurbish old developments and co-ordinate
Worth: $583
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Worth: $360
Founded in 1980, A.B. Data has earned an international reputation for expertly managing the complexities of class action administration in securities, ERISA, consumer, antitrust, employment, civil rights, insurance, environmental, and other class action cases. A.B. Dataâs work in all aspects of
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#3dgoodiebag is a filament subscription service that sends varied filaments to subscribers on a monthly basis! The objective is to educate the South African 3D Filament community on the various available 3D printing filaments available.
PDI is an Irish product design company that delivers a concept to manufacturing service making your idea a reality.
IDCOM is a creative digital studio based in tunisia - We offers strategic branding, web development and communication services.